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MyCERT Receives Complaint On New Viruses
16th June 1999 (Business Times)

MYCERT, a service set up by Mimos Bhd to deal with computer security incidents and their prevention, has received one complaint on EXPLORER.ZIP, a new worm which is a malicious code that propagates itself via e-mail and writable shared file/folder. Following the complaint, Mimos Bhd yesterday advised information technology departments in all organisations and all network users to refer to MYCERT documentation on how to control the spread of the worm.

After removing traces of the worm, the worm can "re -infect" if proper policy and tools are not in place, Mimos said in a statement. "Always ensure you have your anti-virus software running, scan every file that is to be stored or executed on your PCs. You should not depend on periodic alerts to update your lists. "

There are hundreds of viruses a week and thousands of virus in a month. Thus the update must be done regularly," it said. The statement said MyCERT has sent out an alert on June 11 to MYCERT mailing list and have made the advisory available on MYCERT webpage.

It said although MYCERT has not received any official reports, it anticipated this will cause a major "outbreak" and users who experienced the symptoms of the worm are encouraged to follow the steps provided at MYCERT website http://www.mycert.mimos.my to detect and remove the programme from their PC.

Users are also advised to report the , their network administrators of ISPs on the discovery of the worm, the statement added.

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