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Virus Taking New Forms to Deceive Users
8th May 2000 (Computimes)

COPYCAT variants of the 'Love Bug' virus burrowed their way into computer systems around the world last Friday., a day after the widespread cyber-attck wreaked havoc on business and government operations. In one new version of the virus designed to spoil the upcoming "Mother's Day" holiday that will be celebrated in the United States on May 14, a variant of LoveLetter sends e-mails that appear to be a confirmation of an electronic gift order.

Another variant appears to have originated in Lithuania, in which the subject line reads, "sustikem shi vakara kavos puodukui". In Lithuania the sentence translates into: "let's meet this evening for coffee". And still another has "fwd: Joke" in the subject line and an attached file called "Very Funny.vbs", which when opened has a similar impact as the "Love Bug". -Reuters

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